Saturday, July 10, 2010

A wonderful dinner

Tonight I met up with Mr. Kazuo Furukawa for drinks and dinner. He has grown up in Tokyo and has been here most of his life. Kazuosan is very well respected in the Jukendo world (Jukendo is similar to spear fighting). He is one of the top people in the world. I was put in contact with him by Mason Hiyashi (thank you Mason). I know Mason through Aikido. Mr. Furukawa travelled across town to meet me at my hostel so he could take me out for dinner and drinks. Mr. Furukawa was incredibly kind and fun.

We went out to a Japanese pub. We talked about many different things. His english was very good. He was a very kind and humorous man. I loved asking him how to say different things in Japanese. He seemed to enjoy hearing me say the words because obviously my accent was horrid. After we had a few drinks Mr. Furukawa would make me identify the food by it's japanese name before I was allowed to eat it. I loved this game because it gave me the opportunity to practice my japanese and he loved it because it was funny. He introduced me to a japanese cocktail called "sowa". I am sure that I am spelling it wrong as i struggled enough with the pronunciation. "sowa" is a drink that comes in many different flavors. There is an apple sowa, a grape sowa, a lemon sowa, and I am sure there are many others but I don't remember. He got me a lemon sowa. It was excellent. Mr. Furukawa then wanted me to choose food on the menu. I told him that I wanted him to reccomend the food because I love "almost all food". He chose sushi. It was excellent as well. The shrimp, which is called "ebi" in japanese was the most awesome shrimp that exists in the universe. The reason I remember the name is because I had to pronounce it before I could eat it.

At the end of the dinner he asked me "don't you need to go to the bathroom?" I then went to the bathroom because he was correct. I did need to go to the bathroom. Then when I had returned he had paid for the bill. This was incredibly kind of him. He also invited me to train with him at the end of my trip when I am back in Tokyo. He then said after the training they will throw a small party for me. I would say I don't know what I did to deserve this except I know that there wasn't anything I did to deserve this. It was a very fun night.


  1. So the life lesson I've learn from your post is that you only become a true Japanese warrior when you can predict your adversary's need to use the bathroom. My question to you is that when you went to the bathroom did you say to yourself "Wow, that darn ninja is the real-deal cause i'm pissing like crazy!" or, did you say "I'm glad I'm in the bathroom cause in addition to losing my sister's camera, I lost my wallet too and I have no idea how to pay for the 8,000,000 yen dinner we just had!"??
    Sounds like your settling in real well bro. Have a great time and keep posting; I (we) enjoy reading about your travels. In honor of your trip here's a lil haiku (ukiah spelled backwards!!!) for u:

    Mexi-ninjew lost
    Finds Aikido, sushi roll
    Turns full Samurai

    Dont know if it makes any sense but at least I got the 5-7-5 goin which is hard enough. Take care and look forward to hearing from you.


  2. John has set the bar really high comment-wise. Gamer! Attababe!

    Izbo Dude,

    I would very much like to thank Mr. Furukawa for his gracious and generous treatment of my son. Especially after reading multiple posts about you being tossed around like a rag doll.
    One side note: This comment represents my first internet post. Ever. There are three people involved in making it happen. One of them is my scribe, who is a little annoying [Scribe Note: no I'm not, he is really difficult] and the other is my wife who keeps telling me what not to say [Scribe Note: he keeps saying really embarrassing things]. We're still working out the kinks.

    We love you Izzy and are really enjoying hearing about your trip. Stay safe.


  3. John, your Haiku is awesome and it makes complete sense to me. Thus far I have not lost my wallet.

    Dad, I am proud of you for your first post ever. I think that if Xochil does a good enough job you should up her name from Scribe to "Head scribe"... If she does a bad job then she should be demoted to "writer of words"

  4. It is my pleasure. Glad to hear that you enjoyed the night. (from Mason)
