Thursday, March 24, 2011

Welcomed to the Castle of Ha

Ha getting ready to eat all of the food in one bite

I got to Ha’s place around 7 pm. I hung out with Ha’s roommate Jen for a little while. We chatted for a while and soon I was blessed with the presence of my lovely and always engaging host: Ms. Ha Nguyen.

Me circled by all of Ha's food.

Ha entered the home with a “I’m HOOOOME!”. When she entered the apartment I couldn’t see her face. Why? Well, apparently Ha went to an event where the host announced “there is leftover food. Anyone can take it”. It appeared that when he said “anyone can take it” Ha must have heard “Ha can take it”. Because Ha rolled in with food stacked passed her head. Of course all of us were thrilled.
Ha's masterful pizza

Once we settled down Ha got to making a mean pizza. It had mozzarella, tomatoes, other really good stuff, and more good stuff. Let’s just say it tasted super good and nothing need more be said. 


  1. BURRITO! You are no longer my can we be good friends if you STILL can't spell my last name right!

  2. And I will be called anonymous because to you, I don't have a name....*crying in fetal position*. Beware, when I see you, I plan to round house kick you in the face.
